Supplements have been a part of my health regimen for well over a decade. I studied Fitness and Health in College and have 15 years of experience in the industry so I’m quite confident on this topic. Having successfully competed and coached clients in the fitness industry for several years, I’ve learned a thing or two about supps. I have always been fascinated with nutrition and overall health and wellness. The human body is so complex and everyone’s needs are different based on their current nutrition habits and overall health so that’s why it’s always best to discuss implementing supplements with your doctor. Although it is out of my scope of practice to prescribe supplements, I am happy to share some recommendations based on my knowledge and personal experiences.
The first thing I’ll recommend when looking for the right supplement brand is QUALITY. You want to look at the potency and find a brand that is free from binders, fillers and artificial ingredients. Below, I have shared my preferred brands that I really trust and work well for me.
When it comes to supplementing during pregnancy and the postpartum stage, my daily regimen doesn’t really change from my usual supplementation. The only difference is I swap my regular multivitamin for a prenatal. Here are the supplements I take daily:
Prenatal Multivitamin:
A multivitamin is something I take consistently but during the pre and postpartum stages, I take a prenatal multivitamin. Women are commonly deficient in Iron, folate, iodine, vitamin B12, calcium and vitamin D during pregnancy so you want to ensure you have a quality prenatal with adequate amounts of each in addition to the handful of other important vitamins and minerals found in a multi. The purpose of a multivitamin is to bridge the gaps in ones diet (consuming healthy, whole foods will always trump all). I love Garden of Life’s multivitamins because they’re made of whole foods with nutrients that your body will recognize.

For a breakdown of what should be in your prenatal, check this article out.
Omega 3 fish oil:
I also take fish oil consistently throughout the year. Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA found in fish oil are beneficial for cardiovascular and nervous system function, brain development, and immune health. They are especially beneficial to the baby of a pregnant or nursing mother as they help to develop baby’s brain, motor function and visual system. Depending on the potency of the fish oil you’re taking, the recommended dosage will change. You can take fish oil in liquid or gelcap but be sure to look at the potency of the fish oil. Some brands require to take up to 4 capsules to get in the daily recommended dose. The recommended dose during pregnancy and postpartum is 650 mg of which 300 mg should come from DHA. I love the Health First brand which comes in super strength gelcaps or liquid form, both are GMO free and very high quality! I buy their products from Kardish. Here is a store locator to help you discover where to find Health First products in your area.

Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is a staple supplement for me as well. It has so many benefits from improving your mood, increased cognition and even reducing your risk of several heart disease, diabetes and cancer! Your daily requirements greatly increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding and many people are deficiency is common. Taking adequate amounts of vitamin D have been shown to reduce the risk of preterm birth, infection and gestational diabetes. It also plays a role in mother and baby’s bone strength and development. In the summertime, I typically take 1000IU/day. During pregnancy, postpartum and also during winter (where I am outside less therefore not getting as Vitamin D from the sun) I up my dose to 4000IU/day. I love the Health First brand for my Vitamin D in liquid format which absorbs better than pill format.

A probiotic helps to maintain healthy levels of good bacteria in the gut which improve digestion and immune function, impacting your overall health. Taking a probiotic during pregnancy can positively impact baby’s gut health as their development begins in utero and continues during breastfeeding. Recommended dose varies for everyone based on your current gut health and digestion. They have a probiotic specially formulated for pregnancy. You can find their products at most health food stores or shop online on the Garden of Life website.

Other supplements I take during pregnancy are Magnesium for muscle cramps and to help with sleep.

I love ginger losanges or tea to help ease nausea during pregnancy. You can also find ginger in pill format if you don’t like the taste.

Collagen has so many health benefits from anti aging to gut health! It’s also very well known for helping with the healing and recovery process postpartum. Collagen is a protein that our body produces naturally that we could all use more of. I love Genuine Health Clean Collagen.

Remember to always discuss supplementation with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Until next time!
J xo